Meet the future of behavioral design

Machine Learning + AI + Behavioral Science = The Future

For years, we’ve been harnessing cutting-edge machine learning in partnership with leading academics to amplify our behavioral interventions, as well as deepening our expertise as technologists and product developers through our Venture Studio.

In our journey to make our pro-social behavioral design approach a ubiquitous part of every problem-solver’s toolkit, we’ve added novel capacity-building workshops in dozens of countries, a policy lab, and light-touch coaching for direct service non-profits. But each of those service offerings, while impactful, is limited by the finite, physical nature of our human-powered teams.

To truly scale our approach to behavioral design and create and sustain long-term social impact in a rapidly changing world, we need to address our own limiting factor: humans.

Humans are our last mile problem

  • People get tired.

  • They require sleep and what seems like endless supplies of food and water.

  • They have to travel to get from one place to the other.

  • Many of them only speak a few or even just one language.

  • It takes them hours to conduct deep reviews of advanced scientific literature.

  • They struggle with switching between complex tasks when working on important social problems in wildly different issue areas and cultural contexts.

  • Creating bespoke, scientifically-sound and replicable solutions to thorny problems can take a team of talented people weeks.

And their innate biases and inability to see things beyond their own experiences limits our ability to achieve infinite social impact across the world. 

Now, we’ve realized the only real way to truly scale our approach is to get tiny AI-powered machines into every office in the world. That’s why we invented JUDI.

The world’s first entirely AI Behavioral Design expert

JUDI: Judicious Unbiased* Design Intelligence

How does judi work?

  • 1. Tell Judi your problem

    Simply speak to the small AI device in your office, out in the field, in your car, anywhere you are.

    JUDI is always available, and deep natural language processing ensures perfect understanding every time.

    JUDI can understand problems ranging from extremely specific to frustratingly vague.

    This could include problems such as:

    ‘How do I get more students to sign up for financial aid to pay for college at my school?’

    ‘How do we encourage more retirement savings?’

    ‘How can I change narratives around poverty?’

    ‘How can we avert a climate change apocalypse?’

  • 2. wait for 2 nanoseconds

    Using a proprietary formula inspired by the model of our collaborative Behavioral Evidence Hub, the advanced AI in every JUDI is able to scan every piece of evidence collected by researchers, the media, programmers, and every human civilization since the dawn of time in fractions of time too small for humans to comprehend.

    During this time, JUDI will weigh all of the contextual features of your problem statement, run them through ideas42’s proven Define-Diagnose-Design-Test methodology, and generate an effective, scaleable solution in under 2 nanoseconds.

    JUDI is also able to read Cass Sunstein books faster than Cass Sunstein is able to research and write them.

  • 3. apply your new bespoke solution

    JUDI will then deliver clear, concise instructions on precisely what the right intervention is, as well as heuristics for applying it to your unique context. This can include but is not limited to:

    Timely reminders

    Simply removing forms and defaulting people into the beneficial program they want to sign up for

    Text message-based reminders

    Burning down the system and giving people enough resources to live lives of their own choosing

    Personalized reminders

    Making policy changes that reflect the reality of human behavior instead of subjecting people to administrative burdens and sludge

    Reminders delivered through the right channel at the right time